Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Bsb Versus Sky Tv Essay Example

Bsb Versus Sky Tv Paper Executive Summary British television viewing levels had stagnated in the 1980s due to already high levels of television viewership (3. 5 hours per day) and the rapid penetration of the VCR. This caused broadcast companies like BBC and ITV to look for new ways to spurn growth. The British government tried to allocate three of the five high powered digital satellite broadcast (DBS) channels first to the BBC and then to a joint venture between BBC and ITV. Both attempts failed due to high startup costs in building and launching dedicated satellites. The bidding for these channels was then moved to the private sector in April 1986. Additionally, the use of the untried D-MAC transmission standard that was viewed as a move towards HDTV was made mandatory. British Satellite Broadcasting (BSB) was to be the first mover and quickly acquired a 15 year franchise for the DBS channels. BSB planned to start broadcasting by the fall of 1989, investing $500 million and projecting to break-even 4 years later. Sky Television a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation unexpectedly announced its entry into the satellite broadcasting market. Murdoch known for his aggressiveness aimed to start broadcasting from Sky’ leased medium powered satellite by February 1989 becoming the real first mover in the market. This led to an intense battle between BSB and Sky as they fought to gain the upper hand. By October 1990, both BSB and Sky were making combined losses of $10 million per week. BSB’s inability to view the competitive landscape combined with Sky’s aggressive tactics to leverage first mover advantage lead to both companies losing focus on the underlying economics in the launch of what is regarded the second biggest business undertaking in Britain (second only to the Chunnel). We will write a custom essay sample on Bsb Versus Sky Tv specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Bsb Versus Sky Tv specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Bsb Versus Sky Tv specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer BSB’s superior technology has the upper hand long term but, Sky’s overall superior economic model allows it to sustain losses for a longer period possibly outliving BSB’s investor’s faith in the DSB market in Britain. Industry Analysis The British broadcasting business was unable to grow due to a number of reasons, chief among them being the inability to move away from an obsolete revenue model that depended on license or advertising revenue. Pay television that utilized either cable or satellite media was expected to be the next vehicle for growth and with the restrictions imposed on access to cable (available only to remote areas), satellite television soon became the next practical choice. Economics of the DSB business Entering into the satellite broadcasting business was however an expensive proposition exacerbated by a long break-even period. Appendix A details BSB’s business plan assuming no competition (i. e. market share of 100%) in an attempt to determine the most aggressive break-even period. Building and deploying satellites combined with investing in the technology that would allow television sets decipher signals from satellites was estimated to be in the range of $300-$400 million. These numbers point to a ten year break-even given typical British consumer electronics adoption rates (initial BSB market penetration forecasts). An alternate approach at analyzing the economics of the satellite broadcasting business is to fix the break-even period to a reasonable number of years, say 4, (BSB’s initial business plan) and study the consequence on subscriber rates. Appendix B details this analysis in which we find that the typical consumer electronics adoption rate would have to be scaled up by a factor greater than 4. 75 to achieve this reasonable break-even target. BSB’s business plan prior to Sky’s market entry is compared against its’ revised business plan (incorporating effect of market share and increasing advertising and promoting budgets with a view to accelerate sales) in Appendix C and D. Only a well funded corporation that could sustain losses for a long period would be able to make it in this market. Entering the DSB Market In December 1986, BSB, a consortium of five financially sound companies, won a 15 year franchise to the DSB channels in Britain. They immediately set out to raise capital to fund the deployment of two satellites. With the enormous start-up costs and an economic model that expected a market entrant to stay the course of making losses for a minimum of 10 years it was easy to see why BSB refused to view Sky’s movement in the satellite broadcasting business as a serious threat. Sky Television was formed in June of 1988 out of Sky Channel by Rupert Murdoch, of News Corporation. Sky Channel had been using low powered satellite technology for broadcasting since 1983. Although a money loser, this project allowed Murdoch to see the potential for a wider acceptance of satellite technology for broadcasting in Europe. In 1986, News Corp under Murdoch launched Fox in the US and started using satellite technology. News Corp planned for a $150 million in start-up losses for Fox. This prior experience with Fox and Sky Channel definitely gave Sky the upper-hand in understanding the economic of satellite broadcasting and the business requirements. BSB should have expected to witness some activity from News Corp given Murdoch‘s recent success with Fox but when Sky Television was announced in 1988, BSB was actually taken off-guard. Alternative Scenarios for Market Entry BSB on announcing its entry into the DSB market, setout to obtain $222. 5 million in financing to fund the buying and launching of the satellites. It also started the recruiting process that took almost 6 months to find a Chairman and 10 months to find a CEO. The CEO who was lured away from a high profile advertising company was awarded a total compensation package close to $0. million without any link back to performance. A year and half later BSB had only grown to several dozen employees who occupied an office in the prestigious Kensington Park area. BSB did however, understand that making the chip technology work was crucial and obtained an exclusive contract with ITT. Assuming that BSB was aware of Sky’s intentions it should accelerated the ramp up of its operations. Recruiting should have started in full earnest and compensation packages should have been built based performance (e. . successful deployment of first satellite, etc. ) BSB should have contemplated hiring key personnel from News Corporation and other broadcasting companies in the US and Europe who had more direct experience with satellite broadcasting business so as to get a leg-up in the learning process. Given that it had a â€Å"money back† guarantee from Hughes who was delivering the satellites; it should have pursued similar contracts with ITT. Maintaining a low overhead expense would also allow it to stay in the fray longer. Relocating from the swanky Kensington Park area to a cheaper alternate would help in this regard. BSB, although well supported by its founding companies could have also looked at making its economic model more attractive by reducing future capital expenditures. Leasing the high powered satellites from Hughes would have allowed it reduce its cash outlay and stay more competitive with Sky. Lastly, BSB should have lobbied the British Government to block Sky’s anticipation market entry given the underlying economics of the DSB business. Customer Adoption Concerns The rate at which customers would sign up for satellite broadcasting service is based on the price of the dish, quality of programming, value of the investment (is the technology going to change soon? ) and other macroeconomic factors like interest rates etc. The faster customers adopt the satellite technology the shorter the timeframe wherein BSB /Sky would have to incur losses. Moreover, switching costs tend to be high (the cost of the dish) and interest rates in Britain were rising in the late 1980s. BSB’s plan to sell 12† dishes at $250 (which when adjusted to today’s US dollar equals 2,500USD), represents a significant investment from the customer on a technology that is new, un-tested and whose content is unknown. Further BSB’s advertising program that aimed to increase awareness on the technology advantages of D-MAC over PAL further confused customers and backfiring BSB. Most importantly however, was the fact the BSB was the second mover in the market giving Sky the first chance at seizing market share. Differentiation of satellite broadcasting through technology BSB and Sky although targeting the same market, approached the business very differently. On one hand BSB was forced to use the risky D-MAC standard for high powered satellite signals while Sky through its use of medium powered signals was able to stay with the tried and tested low technology PAL system. Given BSB’s use of the D-MAC protocol it had no alternative but, develop chip technology that could decode the satellite signals. This resulted in BSB inheriting additional risk due to the nature of the technology development that was necessary to support BSB’s launch plan. Sky’s use of PAL although not a technology issue from a transmission standpoint posed its own technical concern in that film studios were reluctant to sell film rights given that the PAL signals could not be easily scrambled. While Sky was able to work through the scrambling issue with PAL, BSB found that its project with ITT was behind schedule. This translated into the need for an additional round of financing and the loss of a key supporter, Virgin. Longer term (ten plus years), BSB’s technology advantage should sustain itself. But this is contingent upon them being able to ride out making loses for ten years at a minimum. Short term, Sky’s choice to use PAL makes better financial sense. It will be able to establish a market presence in Britain and experiment with programming and other content as it gears up for launching HDTV (the ultimate technology goal in broadcasting ten years ago)to the broader European market. Staying the course in the DSB market With the entry of Sky into the satellite broadcasting market, BSB was forced to pull ahead some of its marketing initiatives. This was an attempt to educate the consumer on BSB’s product offering and differentiate itself from Sky’s PAL standard. BSB also hoped that the additional marketing prior to the actual launch process would increase the number of future adopters of BSB and induce some Sky consumers to switch. BSB initiated second round financing to allow it to double its advertising and promotion programs as well. Sky experienced very low sales in the six months after launch. This was attributed to equipment unavailability, customer confusion and the acroeconomic climate that existed in Britain. Sky sensing that it had an opportunity to leverage its first mover advantage, setup Project X where dishes were sold through a door-to-door sales effort. They also reduced the price barrier that prevented most consumers from adopting the technology. By selling the dishes through a lease program they were able to win more subscribers (possibly at a loss) and protect market share. This strategy of aggressively seeking customers should pay off for Sky as it boosts programming content and quality. Subscription fees for both Sky and BSB are comparable. It is the initial cost of the dish that creates reluctance on the consumer to sign up. By taking away this issue, Sky will be able to grow market share until BSB mimics this strategy. Recommendations Given BSB’s technology advantage and well funded investors it is possible that BSB could sustain the upcoming losses for some time. However, with the cash flow calculations it is clear there will be mounting pressure to change their business model by reducing capital expenditures by leasing satellites instead of purchasing. BSB should also explore reducing the price of the dish unit or establishing contracts that entice consumers with free dishes but, penalize them for breaking the contract if they cancel or switch. On the other hand Sky with its first mover advantage should build on its market share by investing in programming and using its installed base to solicit additional advertising revenue. Sky should also be concerned about how long it can continue to make losses in its bid to outlast BSB. In an effort to change the game, Sky could use the power of its parent company

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Data Provenance in E-Learning Essays

Data Provenance in E-Learning Essays Data Provenance in E-Learning Essay Data Provenance in E-Learning Essay We live in an information age, where the volume of data processed by humans and organizations increases exponentially by grid middleware and availability of huge storage capacity. So, Data management comprises all the disciplines related to managing data as a valuable resource. The openness of the Web and the ease to combine linked data from different sources creates new challenges. Systems that consume linked data must evaluate quality and trustworthiness of the data.A common approach for data quality assessment is the analysis of provenance information. [1] Data provenance, one kind of Meta data, relate to the transformational workflows of a data products (files, tables and virtual collections) starting from its original sources. Meta Data refers to â€Å"Data about Data†. The workflows can generate huge amount of data with rich Meta data in order to understand and reuse the data. Data provenance techniques used in e for Different provenance Consumers In this they used an example scenario to express different provenance consuming type of users. They took power consumption forecast workflows as their example scenario.In this scenario there are three kind of consuming users: the software architect, the data analyst, and the campus facility operator. So they need different provenance model for each of them. The word â€Å"quality impact†, which indicates how the quality of a process affects the output quality, is then used to guide users on what processes and data objects they need to exercise more quality control upon. 3. 2. 2 An Apropos Presentation view Generally we use two kind classifications of approaches for determine suitable presentation view of the provenance: decomposition approach and clustering approach.Decomposition method is well suited for presence of granularities clearly defined in the provenance model. In each individual activity in the workflow, we identify the most appropriate presentation granularity to satisfy the usage requirement and to meet the user’s interest. When granular levels are not specified clear, clustering approach will be used. This approach incrementally clusters the initial fines for source data are the content of a document used for machine learning, the entries in a database used to answer a query, and the statements in a knowledge base used to entail a new statement. Other artifacts that may be used in a data creation are the creation guidelines, it is used for guiding the execution of the data creation. Examples for creation guidelines are mapping definitions, transformation rules, database queries and entailment rules. The data access centers on data access executions.Data accessors perform data access executions to retrieve data items contained in documents from a provider on the Web. To enable a detailed representation of providers the model describe in paper[12] distinguishes data providing services that process data access requests and send the do cuments over the Web, data publishers who use data providing services to publish their data, and service providers who operate data providing services. Furthermore, the model represents the execution of integrity verifications of artifacts and the results.A system that uses Web data must access this data from a provider on the Web. Information about this process and about the providers is important for a representation of provenance that aims to support the assessment of data qualities. Data published on the Web is embedded in a host artifact, usually a document. Following the terminology of the W3C Technical Architecture Group we call this artifact an information resource. Each information resource has a type, e. g. , it is an RDF document or an HTML document. The data accessor, retrieves information resources from a provider.Their provenance model allows a detailed representation of providers by distinguishing data providing services, data publishers, and service providers. [1] In paper [12] a provenance graph has represented as a tuple (PE; R; type; attr) where, ? PE denotes the set of provenance elements in the graph, ? R [pic] PE X PE X RN denotes the labeled edges in the graph where RN is the set of relationship names as introduced by our provenance model, ? type : PE ; ? (T) is a mapping that associates each provenance element with its types where T is the set of element types as introduced by our provenance model attr : PE ; ? (A X V ) is a mapping that associates each provenance element with additional properties represented by attribute-value pairs where A is a set of available attributes and V is a set of values They didn’t specify the sets A and V any further because the available possible values,attributes, and the meaning of these depend on the use case. However, they introduced an abbreviated notation to refer to the target of an edge in a provenance graph: if (p? 1; p? 2; rn) [pic] R we write p? 1 [pic] = p? 2. 3. 4 Using Data Provenance for Quality AssessmentFor assessment of the quality of data, we need to find out the information types that can be used for evaluating and a methodology for calculating quality attributes. In this research paper they have introduce a provenance model custom-made to the needs for tracing and tracking provenance information about Web data. This model describes about the creation of a data item and the provenance information about who made the data to be accessed through the Web. Most of the existing approaches for information quality assessment are based on the information provided by users.Quantitative approach described in the research paper [12] follows three steps: ? Collecting the quality attributes which are needed for provenance information ? Making decision on the influence of these attributes on the assessment ? Application of a function to compute the quality In this paper author has described information quality as a combined value of multiple quality attributes, such as a ccuracy, completeness, believability, and timeliness. The assessment method described in the paper [12] follows three steps. Those are, 1. Generate a provenance graph for the data item; . Annotate the provenance graph with impact values; 3. Calculate an IQ-score for the data item from the annotated provenance graph. The main idea behind these approach is automatically determining the quality measure for a data item, from impact values, which represent the influence of the elements in a provenance graph on the particular quality of the assessed data item. In order to design a actual assessment method for the above mention general assessment approach we have to make some design decisions. We have to answer few design related question to take design decision.Questions for Step 1: What types of provenance elements are necessary to determine the considered information quality and what level of detail (i. e. granularity) is necessary to describe the provenance elements in the application scenario? and Where and how do we get the provenance information to generate the provenance graph for a data item?. For Step 2: How might each type of provenance element influence the quality of interest? and what kind of impact values are necessary for the application scenario? For Step 3: How do we determine the impact values or where do we get them from? nd How can we represent the considered information quality by a value and what function do we use to calculate such a value from the annotated provenance graph? 3. 5 Using Data Provenance for Measuring the Information Assurance Data Provenance is multidimensional metadata that specifies Information Assurance attributes like Integrity, Confidentiality, Authenticity, Non-Repudiation etc. Each Information Assurance attribute may contain sub-components within like objective and subjective values or application security versus transport security within them.In the paper [11] authors have mentioned about a framework which is based on s ubjective Logic that includes uncertainty by representing values as a triple of . The model discussed in the paper [11] is an information flow model based on complex and simple messages about which objective information assurance attribute values are collected. This model incorporates the capability to roll up data provenance information over a multi-step information flow and/or over a complex message. These aggregation is called as Figures of Merit.Next goal after having the figure of merit and information assurance attribute values is to summarize these information in a simple visual icon which helps those who must act on information quickly to understand how confidential, authentic, and unmodified the data is, therefore it helps to make more clear decision when dealing with the data. 3. 5. 1 Framework for capture data provenance record A single Data Provenance (DP) record is created, each time a message was transmitted between agents, systems or processes. This record can be stor ed or it can be send along in parallel with the message.There are two parts of DP record, one is sender part and the other one is receiver part. Each part has a variant and an invariant section. Routing information to forward the message to the final destination is contained within the variant section, and it may change during the routing process. The invariant section of the DP record remains unchanged, the sender’s invariant section may include the following components: Identity of the Author of the message, Message ID, Timestamp, Message contents and type, References to other message IDs, e. g. attachments, Destination, Security label or classification, Outgoing Information Assurance values, and Hash value of the message contents. The receiver appends his own values to the record, adding Identity of the Receiver of the message, Timestamp, Incoming Information Assurance values, and Hash of the message body as seen by the receiver. The receiver may append a signature or an e ncrypted hash based on both the sender and receiver’s records. 3. 5. 2 Subjective Logic Josang’s Subjective Logic is used for modeling a flexible mechanism to calculate the confidentiality and this mechanism also helps to deal with uncertainty.Josang’s Subjective Logic uses three values b, d, and u, where b = belief, or the belief that the proposition is true d = disbelief, or the belief the proposition is false u = uncertainty, or the amount of uncommitted belief These components satisfy b + d + u =1, and b, d, u [pic] [0,1] 3. 5. 3 Implementation The models of information flow and of the data provenance at each point along that flow is captured in a semantic model. The target representation was the Web Ontology Language (OWL) with a rules layer above to capture domain inferences not implied by the formal models.Controlled English representation called the Semantic Application Design Language (SADL) is used as the authoring environment. SADL is a language that maps directly and unambiguously into OWL and Jena Rules or SWRL. An Eclipse-based SADL-IDE supports the authoring, testing, and version control of the models. Snapshots of the data provenance state of the Message are captured as instances of DPInfo. When a Message is sent by an Agent, a SenderDPInfo (subclass of DPInfo) captures relevant data provenance information.When a Message is received by an Agent, a ReceiverDPInfo (also a sub class of DPInfo) captures the data provenance state at receipt. In this model they have decided to calculate each of IA attributes individually. They have created a visual summary of the IA values, to support in the decision process. The IA values they used are Integrity, Confidentiality, Authenticity, Availability, and Non-repudiation. 3. 6 Issues in Data Provenance There are some open problems exist with data provenance. Those are Information management infrastructure, Provenance analytics and visualization, Interoperability, Connecting database and wo rkflow provenance. 6] Information management infrastructure. With the growing volume of raw data, workflows and provenance information, there is a need for efficient and effective techniques to manage these data. Besides the need to handle large volumes of heterogeneous and distributed data, an important challenge that needs to be addressed is usability: Information management systems are notoriously hard to use. As the need for these systems grows in a wide range of applications, notably in the scientific domain, usability is of paramount importance. The growth in the volume of provenance data also calls for techniques that deal with information overload.Provenance analytics and visualization. The problem of mining and extracting knowledge from provenance data has been largely unexplored. By analyzing and creating insightful visualizations of provenance data, scientists can debug their tasks and obtain a better understanding of their results. Mining this data may also lead to the d iscovery of patterns that can potentially simplify the notoriously hard, time-consuming process of designing and refining scientific workflows. Interoperability. Complex data products may result from long processing chains that require multiples tools (e. . , scientific workflows and visualization tools). In order to provide detailed provenance for such data products, it becomes necessary to integrate provenance derived from different systems and represented using different models. This was the goal of the Second Provenance Challenge, which brought together several research groups with the goal of integrating provenance across their independently developed workflow systems. Although the preliminary results are promising and indicate that such an integration is possible, there needs to be more principled approaches to this problem.One direction currently being investigated is the creation of a standard for representing provenance Connecting database and workflow provenance. In many s cientific applications, database manipulations co-exist with the execution of workflow modules: Data is selected from a database, potentially joined with data from other databases, reformatted, and used in an analysis. The results of the analysis may then be put into a database and potentially used in other analyses. To understand the provenance of a result, it is therefore important to be able to connect provenance information across databases and workflows.Combining these disparate forms of provenance information will require a framework in which database operators and workflow modules can be treated uniformly, and a model in which the interaction between the structure of data and the structure of workflows can be captured. Another issue which in data provenance is Data Citation, Data citation is about citing a component in a digital library that consists of documents and databases. More generally there is no specified way citing. In databases they use key for citing tuples. Docum ent can be cited using Url, universal locator of the document.Most major problem of provenance is invalidated citing due to update of the cited documents. To overcome this problem there are many solution but each with a problem. One way of solution is release successive version of database separately. But it needs large storage. Another way of solution is kept history of database to trace history of the components of database. But it is complex. As a solution of whole, by giving a date to url, at least the person who follows the citation will know whether to question the validity of the citation. 7] 3. 6. 1 DATA PROVENANCE AND FINANCIAL SYSTEMIC RISK Data Provenance is not only important in E-Learning environment but also play vital part in large-scale analytic environment to support financial systemic risk analysis. In financial Sector, Data should be managed as a strategic, enterprise asset. This requires active management of data quality, so that managers or CEOs of the organizat ion understand the quality of the information on which they base their decisions. So Data provenance is needed for make a financial based decision. rovenance information enables analysts to better understand the data and assumptions used for potentially vast numbers of simulation runs. Even though, it is not enough to provide data structures, query mechanisms, and graph renderings for provenance; one also needs a scalable strategy for collecting provenance. 4. Data Provenance and E-Learning Rather than thinking like â€Å"E-Learning is a new education method which uses Internet† , actual norm can be expressed as collaborating different pieces of technologies/products to make learning happens.This gradually leads to the idea of virtual learning environment. In E-Learning most of the resources which are related to the studies are gathered from web. So it is important to make sure that the information gathered from web is trustworthy. Some of the information provided in internet is not considered as proper reference. For example wikipedia. org, wikipedia is an online encyclopedia, for most of the google search result wikipedia will appear in the top of the search result, still it is considered as untrusted source because of the openness of it.There is another problem, some of the information would be truthful but the information is outdated, so referring to that information is incorrect. This is where the data provenance come into play. Data provenance can be used to get information about data creation, and the modification happened to the information. Using these information we can come to a conclusion about trustworthiness of the resource gathered from the web. Most of the researches in data provenance are done under the field of E-Science, but it can be adapted into the E-Learning environment.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Finance Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Finance Project - Research Paper Example Despite such universal nature of the banking, there are still key differences between the banking systems of the world. Banking in Switzerland is considered as one of the most sophisticated and neutral banking systems in the world. Due to the overall protection and security offered to the customers under the Swiss laws, Swiss banks have proved one of the most preferred destinations for the global funds. US banking system on the other hand is regulated both at the State and Federal level and is considered as one of the most transparent and opens banking systems in the world. US banking system are relatively different from the Swiss banking system because of the overall nature of the regulations as well as the essential nature and characteristics of the system. This paper will discuss the similarities and differences between the US and Swiss banking system. Swiss Banking System Swiss Banking system is one of the oldest banking systems in the world and is famous for keeping the secrecy of its clients intact. Thus till now one of the prominent features of banking system in Switzerland is its ability to keep the identity of its customers as secret under the laws. This element of the banking system however, has its roots in the first part of the 20th century when in order to protect the money of German Jews from Nazis. Apart from this, its constitutional requirement that the individual liberty and privacy of the individuals to be kept according to the wishes of the individuals. Thus the overall notion of secrecy within the banking system of the country is exactly according to the laid down constitutional requirements of the country. It is also because of this reason that Swiss Banks issue numbered accounts thus protecting the names of the individuals and as per law all the bankers are required to remain silent about their customers. Thus one of the critical aspects of the Swiss Banking system is the issuance of the numbered accounts to the account holders in order to protect their secrecy and privacy. (Gumbel) Another important feature of Swiss banking is its ability to offer the universal banking services- a concept which was adapted little late by other countries including US. Under the universal banking services, Swiss banks offer almost all the services to their customers besides offering the traditional secrecy and protection to the customers. Universal banking services included services which are not only traditional like deposits as well as lending but also include other services such as investment advice, insurance as well as financial planning services, asset management services as well as other allied services.1 Though the universal banking services have now been adapted by most of the countries however, Swiss banks pioneered in developing the universal banking services in the world. Unlike other countries, Banks in Switzerland are not directly controlled by the central bank of the country. However, most of the banks in the country ar e regulated and controlled through Swiss Financial Market Supervisory authority which is a separate authority from the central bank of the country. It is also important to note that the Swiss banking system is also famous for its overall lending techniques and the quality of the loans. Swiss banks are considered as soundest banks in the world due to their overall practices and the way they lend to their borrowers.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Hypothetical population Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hypothetical population - Essay Example Even so, the genetic equilibrium idea forms a primary principle or rule of population genetics, which provides a baseline for determining genetic change. The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium concept has a variety of names, which include HWP, Hardy-Weinberg law, or HWE. Despite the principle being applicable mostly in hypothetical cases, the equations of the principle can be used fundamentally to determine vital but hard-to- measure facts regarding a population. In a case where mating is by chance (random) in a huge population having no disruptive conditions, the principle forecasts that both allele and genotype frequencies will remain constant owing to the fact that they are in equilibrium (Nature Education). Assuming that the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium assumptions are met the calculation for the following hypothetical population is determined. p2 in this equation will be equal to the part (fraction) of the population that is homozygous for p and q2 being equal to the fraction of the population that is homozygous for q while 2pq equals the fraction of the population that forms the heterozygotes. Using the information from the calculation to explain the occurrences in the hypothetical population, it is realized that the recessive gene in most cases is never lost from a given population irrespective of how tiny the gene is represented. Therefore, gene ratios and gene frequencies in a randomly-breeding population usually remain constant from a single generation to another. Evolution comprises of changes within the population gene pool. However, in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium a population indicates no particular change. What the principle suggests is that populations can maintain a variability reservoir so that in case the future conditions need it, then the gene pool changes. In a case where the recessive alleles were disappearing continually, the population would become homozygous soon. Thus, under the conditions of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Fraudulent Financial Reporting and Ethics at WorldCom Case Study

Fraudulent Financial Reporting and Ethics at WorldCom - Case Study Example As a result, the company incurred very substantial losses. These enormous losses meant that the business could not attain standards set by stock exchange analysts (Kaplan, Robert, and Kiron, 2004). WorldCom decided to hide these losses and buy time so that they could pay their expenses later. WorldCom’s senior management resorted to fraudulent practices to conceal these losses. The company agreed to have intentionally misappropriated over $3.8 billion. This amount was a line cost liability, but it was reported as a long-term capital investment. Line costs are funds that WorldCom paid to other telecommunication companies to lease their communication networks. Line costs were supposed to be as current liabilities in WorldCom’s profit and loss account. In 2001, $ 3.055 billion was said to have been wrongly assigned by the company. A sum of $797 million is supposed to have been allocated in 2002. WorldCom claimed that $14.7 billion was reported as line cost during the year of 2001 (Kaplan, Robert, and Kiron, 2004). Having allocated the expense as a capital investment, WorldCom increased its net annual income. This is because the line cost, a current liability, was inaccurately reduced. Following this, there were increments in the company assets since capital costs are considered investments. On 8th August 2012, WorldCom to have used its financial reserves wrongfully. Reports revealed that WorldCom used funds in reserve accounts to pay line expenses. Reserve accounts hold precautionary money for companies to use in case of an unforeseen event. The United States Stock Exchange Commission requested WorldCom to avail financial reports suspected to be.  

Friday, November 15, 2019

Notable Clauses In Icheme Contracts Construction Essay

Notable Clauses In Icheme Contracts Construction Essay A construction project can be have a good start. Owner according to their own actual situation choose Procurement Methods. And Then according to the time, quality, costs etc, choose the tendering methods. Finally according to their own construction project consider based on the main body of the building design select a standard form of contract. 2. Procurement Methods The procurement is a term used to describe the activities carried out by the client or employer is seeking to bring construction or renovation of buildings. It is a mechanism which provides a solution to the question: how do I get my project built? In most projects, the client (usually through their advisers or internal team) will start the procurement process by developing a project strategy. The strategy needs to weigh the benefits, risks, and budget constraints of a project to determine what is the most appropriate method, procurement contractual arrangements will be required. With every project, the clients concerns focus on time, cost and quality (or performance) in relation to both the design and construction of the building. Understanding of risk is very important, because although each procurement methods follow a comprehensive set of rules and procedures, there are risks associated with select any particular route. The JCT contract specifically for different procurement methods are used in the construction industry. There are three main procurement methods : Traditional system Client development projects of the business use cases, provide a brief, budget an designate a team of consultants to prepare a design, plus the tender document. Client appoints the construction contractor construction architect design, by the completion date of the contract and the agreed price. Usually much of the work is sub-contracted to specialist firms but the contractor remains liable. Consulting firm manage the contract on behalf of the client, and suggested that the relevant aspects of the design, progress and stage payments must be paid by the client. Separate contractors from design can mean lost opportunities for contractor or expert contractors to enter. This strategy is the choice of a low-risk client want to reduce their exposure to cost overruns, delays, or design failure. This is probably the most commonly used method of procurement and it is suitable for: all clients, including inexperienced clients complex projects and projects where functionality is a prime objective However, it is not suitable for fast track projects Figure 1: traditional procurement process Source: Design and build system The main contractor is responsible for both design and construction and will use either internal designers or employment consultants to perform design. Most of the construction work will be carried out by the experts or subcontractors. Design and build approach gives the client a single point of contact. However, the cost of construction costs submitted by the client, as well as an earlier design than the traditional method. While the risk transfer of the contractor, which is very important to the design of liability insurance is to keep it to cover the risk.Change by the client in the design can be expensive, because they affect the entire design and construction contract, not just the cost of the design team. This method of procurement involves the contractor being responsible for design as well as construction, it can be suitable for: all clients, including inexperienced clients and those requiring distance from the project. cost certainty faster track However, it is not suitable for: an uncertain or developing client brief complex buildings Figure 2: design and build procurement process Source: Management Contracting The client appoints designers and a contractor(management contractor) separately and pays the contractor a fee for managing the construction works. A feature is the early appointment of the contractor to work alongside the design team to develop a programme for construction and contribute to the design and costing of the works. The works are let competitively by the management contractor to subcontractors and specialists in appropriate works packages. This approach often means that design and the start on site overlap, with the design and tender packages becoming available just-in-time to suit the construction programme. Management contractor will not carry out construction work. This preserves the management independent contractors and strengthen a consulting firms relationship with its customers. Payment plus a consent fee based on the cost of works package to the management contractor. This is suitable for: fast track projects complex buildings a developing brief However, it is less suitable for: inexperienced clients cost certainty before starting construction clients wanting to pass risk to the contractor Figure 2: Management Contracting process Source: Tendering This offer the time needed to complete a project, money and other conditions related to contractual obligations to complete construction projects collectively form a tender. Management and business decisions to tender is called a tender, to do so is based on a variety of details, such as estimated. There are three types of tendering methods used in construction industry: 1. Open Tendering An open tender is a tender invitation sent to all interested contractors, so they can submit the tender. This process is considered to be one of the most fair way, even an unknown or new contractor can have the opportunity to get the contract. Advantage of the open tender To the high level of competition and contractors often give the best price and the other bidding methods. There is no limit bidders list, it does not allow favoritism. This is a very transparent process, to ensure that the contractors and the best price and meeting all the technical requirements to win the tender. This process is usually by procurement management board, its staff is trained to make this exercise and the Board to ensure that all procedures involved in the tender. The disadvantage of the public tender The low prices are usually damage the quality and often cause the client to get the low-quality work and night to complete the work. In view of its public tender, where the number does not limit the contractor bidding to become coarse, tender analysis and lengthy work often leads to delays and high cost. 2. Selective Tendering In this process, the selected contractors were invited to tender to tender. However, this approach leaves a lot of space prejudices. This process can reduce the competition for those invited to tender. The method has been applied to the case when building a little selective and requires high-tech and specialized expertise, skills and experience. Only those contractors to meet all these needs is to invite tenders. Advantage of selective tender An advertisement may produce several interested contractors and suitable Firms are selected to tender. The consultants may contact those they would wish to put on an ad-hoc list. Many local government and national institutions to maintain approved contractor list in certain categories, such as the type of work and cost range. Require the Contractor to include in the select list of bidders usually required to provide the information on their financial and technical performance, especially when you consider the type of work. National Joint Advisory Committee Building (NJCC) wrote a standard form of tender questionnaire Private so the contractor can be ready to answer related issues in advance. These problems are mainly processing projects in the past three years. Once the form has been completed, it can be used for a specific project or compile a list of the selected contractor 3. Negotiated Tendering. This process involves negotiations tender consulting client select contractors consultation contract, its terms and conditions. This process uses a special case. For example, usually in the case of an emergency, you need to complete a project in a very short period of time or complex contracts, financial and technical performance are difficult to identify. This proposed standard procedure for situations involving the safety of major national projects. STANDARD FORM OF CONTRACT A standard form contract (sometimes referred to as an adhesion or boilerplate contract) is a contract between the two parties, the terms and conditions of the contract party, the other is set on a either accept it or leave it stance with little or noability to negotiate terms that are more favorable to it. Example of the standard form of contract insurance (insurance companies decide what will and will not guarantee that the wording of the contract) and contracts with government agencies (in some terms must be included by law or regulation). There are many of the standard form of contract for international construction project. Such as FIDIC JCT IChemE etc. Standard Form Contracts: FIDIC FIDIC is International Federation of Consulting Engineers, the French acronym. It was founded in 1913, aims to promote the interests of engineering companies in the global consulting. It is best known for its range of standard contract conditions for the construction of plants and design industry. FIDIC form of contract is the most widely used form of the international community, including the World Bank, its projects. The the FIDIC rainbow kit new contract was published in 1999, including: Red Book: employer of construction conditions of contract for architectural and engineering design; Yellow book: Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design; Silver book: Conditions of Contract for EPC / Turnkey Engineering; Green book: a short form of the contract conditions. These new form of the first version and user-friendly design, with a standardized method to reduce the general conditions from the more than 60-year-old to 20 terms and conditions. Additional forms since 1999, including: Blue book: the contract dredging and reclamation; MDB / FIDIC Contract: FIDIC conditions included in the standard tender documents multilateral development banks; The White Paper: client / consultant model services agreement; Kims book: FIDIC design, construction and operation of the project. Red and yellow book has a similar structure, with 20 of the general conditions. Have guidance, assist in the preparation of the special conditions, and add specific conditions. The Red Book (construction contract for building and engineering employers) to work for the employer is responsible for the design. This is a re-contract, which means the employer and the contractor agreed to in the the contract rent type of work, and those interest rates will be applied to the amount of work, contractor implementation. Employers need a lot of risk is estimated to be more or less accurate, the contractor must ensure that the number of the unit price is enough. The yellow book (plants and design, construction contract) works designed for the use of contractors. This is a one-time contract, the Contractor undertakes to deliver the project, a fixed price. Contractors, therefore, requires a lot of risk. Standard form contracts: JCT JCT contract, in the form of the most common standard form of construction contract in the United Kingdom, accounting for about 70% of the UK project. The Joint Contracts Tribunal Joint Contracts Tribunal, composed of seven members represent a broad range of interests in the building and construction industry. It produces standard forms of contract, notes and other standard documentation used in industry. The JCTs intention, they represent a balance between the parties to allocate risk arising from contracts. The JCT suite of contracts The latest version is the 2011 package. Need to consider the to modify housing grants, construction and regeneration Act of 1996, thus affecting the payment. However, previous JCT is still in use. Main contract JCT suite (see the JCT Contract) listed below. This guide will focus on the following form: Standard construction contract (SBC); Design and build (DB). Format and structure A JCT contract in the standard format is: Articles of agreement; Contract matters: these contain specific information; Conditions of Contract; Timetable. The contract payments JCT flexible. They may allow pre-paid contractor from the employer, usually accompanied by payment of security such as bonds and / or invoice once the work is completed certification. Certification by an independent third party (such as architects, the employers agent or contract administrator). Usually paid by the temporary work progress. Design Build Contract D B is a popular form of contract in the JCT suite and is often used for large-scale, complex construction projects, such as stadiums, shopping centers and office buildings. It uses public and private sectors. The key characteristics contractor D B contract will design works to it by the employer based on demand (ie, employers hope from the building). The contractor will have a contractors proposal (set how the contractor will receive the needs of employers). Then, it will perform a total work (see the contractors proposal) Standard Building Contract Sometimes described as traditional contracting, the contractor will not be involved in any aspect of the design in a Southern Baptist. Works will be reference to the drawings and BOQ prepared by or on behalf of the employer to the contractor. BOQis actually a list of project construction cost (including a description of the number of projects and needs) and pay the foundation. Standard Form Contracts: IChemE The institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) is a global professional engineering organization, was founded in 1922. It creates two sets of forms of contract for international and UK projects in the process industries such as food production, chemical and pharmaceutical. These are turnkey contract for the project is transferred to the buyer in a ready-to-use condition. Each form of IChemE Contracts Manual contains a model form of agreement, general conditions and detailed guide pointed out to assist the user to prepare a contract. This guide provides a simple look at the three main IChemE forms of contract. The three major forms of contract IChemE contracts for the procurement process plants specialized machinery but can be used for other infrastructure projects. The three main forms of contract are color-coded according to the pricing mechanism. Red Book Lump sum, or fixed-price contract: A fixed price for the entire work; Contractor the risk of any additional costs exceed the fixed price; The contractor may still recover additional costs depending on the agreement. Green Book Repayment contract: Contractor may be required to recover the costs in the implementation; There is no pre-fixed price; The contractor will take fewer risks. Burgundy Book the target cost contract: Pricing mechanism is a variation in the terms of repayment; The costs can be claimed a fixed level (goal of); The final cost is higher or lower than this target, different gains or losses shared in an agreed proportion. The IChemE publication of the international form of red, green and Burgundy Books in 2007. Contract structure The contracts IChemE package follow the same basic structure: Agreement; contract conditions; generally; special: and other standard forms of contract, specific conditions are necessary and need to be drafted to meet the law applicable to the project. The other specific conditions may also be needed; specification; timetable. Notable clauses in IChemE contracts Extensive testing system: IChemE contracts contain a more comprehensive testing program for before and after the completion of, than some other standard forms of contract; Acquisition of tests and procedures: the IChemE detailed testing mechanism including separate tests when the project is completed, when the plant is in the employer receives. Analyses the contractors obligation against the design consultants liability during the design stage According to this project use the FIDIC(YELLOW BOOK) Contractors General Obligations The Contractor shall design, execution and completion of the works in accordance with the contract, shall remedy any defects in the works. Once completed, this work should be suitable for the purpose of work as defined in the contract. The Contractor shall provide plants and contractors in the file specified in the contract, and all contractor personnel, goods, supplies and other things and services, whether it is a temporary or permanent nature, requirements and the design, execution and completion of and repair defects.The Works shall include any work which is necessary to satisfy the Employers Requirements, The contractors proposal and timetable, or implied contract, and all the work (although not mentioned in the contract) is necessary, stable or complete, or safety, proper operation works. Appropriate, stability and security of the Contractor shall be responsible for all site all methods of operation, construction, and all the works. The Contractor shall, whenever required by the Engineer, submit a detailed arrangements and methods of using contractors for the execution of works. There was no significant change in these arrangements and methods should had informed the engineer. General Design Obligations Contractor shall implement responsible design works. Designers should be designed to prepare qualified engineers or other professionals to comply with the standards (if any) specified in the employers needs.Unless otherwise provided in the contract, the Contractor shall agree with the name of the matters and each designer and design subcontractors. The Contractor warrants that, he, his designers and subcontractors have the experience and capacity necessary for the design. Contractors, designers should be available to participate in the discussion of the engineers at any reasonable time, until the expiry date of the Defects Notification Period. Commencement of the works in the receipt of the notice under section 8.1 [Contractor shall carefully review the requirements of the employer (including design criteria and calculations, if any) and the items mentioned in paragraph 4.7 of the reference [set]. Within the time limit specified in the Appendix to Tender, calculated from the Commencement Date, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer of any error, error or other defect found a reference to the needs of employers, or these entries. After receiving this notice, the Engineer shall determine the terms of 13 years [variation and adjustment] applies, shall notify the Contractor accordingly.In a way, (taking into account the cost and time) an experienced contractor due diligence exercise will find the error, error or other defect when the inspection site and employer requirements before submission of tender, completion time may not be extended and the contract. The price shall not be adjusted. Conclusion First Based on this case study, the essay show us a Singaporean company proposes to build a 40-storey hotel with 2 levels of basements at City Square, Johor, facing the water front. And then the Singaporean company entered into a contract with Alpha Design Tech. Pvt.Ltd, a Singaporean design consultant. And Alpha Design Tech Pvt. Ltd is responsible for design and selection of contractor for the client. A Malaysian builder was awarded the project with condition that the Malaysia contractor company would enter into a contract with Alpha Design Tech Pvt. Ltd here on. So i think the most suitable procurement system is he novated design and build method. Because the client(Singaporean company ) want to use the design team(Alpha Design Tech. Pvt.Ltd) make plan so They reach the contract relationship. And design team to find think appropriate contractor, the contractor must be use the design teams drawing. Usually, this way is novated design and build method. Second in this case study The Singaporean company is concerned about other aspects, among others: facade lighting acoustic system mechanical engineering marine engineering fire engineering So this Singaporean company In order to find a more suitable for this project construction contractor, lists several requirements, This also reflects Singapore company chooses the selective tendering. finally the client is a Singaporean company, the design team Alpha Design Tech is a Singapore based multi-disciplinary consultant with architects and engineers from Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, and Hong Kong. The contractor is a Malaysia contractor company. So we should use the standard form of contract for international construction project. And FIDIC is the most Professional than others. According to the case study FIDIC(yellow book, Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build ) the most suitable for this project. Through the case study. I to procurement, tendering, standard form of contract have more deep understanding.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Bruce Dawe Essay

The Second World War changed many things: the face of Europe, the balance of world power, and, perhaps less notably, the perception of the common Australian. From Federation day to the 1940s, most poets wrote about the ideal ‘aussie’; the strong, silent outback-dweller; the Man from Snowy River or the Man who went to Ironbark. The 1950s were a time of change, and Australian Literature changed too, from aggrandizing the increasingly rare ‘Dundee’s, to noting the average Australian living in suburbia with the other four-fifths of the population. This essay will cite specific examples of poems of a man commonly regarded as Australia’s greatest living poet from 1950 to 1990. Through Bruce Dawe’s poetry the true Australian persona has arisen to global knowledge. One of Bruce Dawes most famous poems, written in the 1950s, is Enter Without So Much As Knocking. In this poem he highlights the plight of a ‘modern’ man who slowly comes to realize and embrace the faà §ade surrounding suburban life and its incessant consumerism. â€Å"Well-equipped, smoothly-run, economy-size† These terms give the feeling of mass production – just as well-equipped, smoothly-run, economy-size cars; these sorts of households must have been very common. Again the fact that these people lack individuality is being focused on and it is disputed whether this is correct. The rest of the family are presented as stereotypes. Whereas in the days of The Man From Snowy River, where individuality, rebelliousness and going against the grain are commonplace and celebrated as courageous, in this world, it would seem ‘inefficient’. The poem itself is discussing a man’s journey from birth to death and how all around him life is interpreted by material possessions. A famous quote from this poem shows the change that mechanized and money hungry living brings to man. â€Å"Anyway, pretty soon he was old enough to be realistic like every other godless money-hungry back-stabbing miserable so-and-so†. This is a dramatic transformation from the poems of war and outback mateship, of jumping on a grenade to save your friends in the foxhole. Now, â€Å"It’s Number One every time for this chicken, hit wherever you see a head and kick whoever’s down†. Clearly, Dawe is conscious of the changes affecting Australian persona. Bruce Dawe often uses humour to devastating effect. In Pigeons also are a way of life, a city councilor is mocked for his petty-mindedness, highlighting the utter bureaucracy that society and everyday life has become. â€Å"The problem was, he brooded overmuch, and took things personally that were not meant, so that each juvenile delinquency of nature seemed an outrage aimed at him† This quote encapsulates the trivial nature of the councilor, that he considered nature juvenile, and that he was too puffed-up in his self importance to respect habits that have and will outlast him, his city and certainly his civilization. This is done to bring to light the incredible conceit of man in relation to the environment. Whereas the bushman lived off the land, respecting it, modern man destroys it contemptuously to make room for suburbs and cities, and it’s men like this who are responsible. Homo Suburbiensis is a poem about a man, a regular man, with a garden that represents his escape from the demands of his existence. â€Å"Homo Suburbiensis† uses one man’s escape from his life to represent our universal need to contemplate and resolve our own uncertainties in life in our own special place. This poem speaks about suburbia, and escaping from it into nature, Bruce Dawe illuminates the plight of this man and how the tolls of modern life are affecting him. â€Å"One constant in a world of variables† represents how this small garden in is his only avenue for escaping into order, his order. Whereas the outback is constantly described as freedom, this man’s only freedom is a small vegetable patch. A little known poem from the 1980s era of Bruce’s writings, Looking Down from Bridges, takes a look back at the world of his childhood, from the perspective of nostalgia. â€Å"Looking down we see an earlier world living on in the interstices of the present, like green wheat in the gutters of the bulk feed store or the odd shy weatherboard holding out between factories† This citation details the vision of the past through the mind’s eye to childhood, showing the simplicities of an earlier time where there were fewer factories, where â€Å"troops of tiny children tentatively skipping† played in the street. This is Bruce where he is his most grandfatherly, regaling tales  of how life used to be, and how it has changed, from small wooden houses with bush on either side to sprawling conurbation without room to breathe or, in the children’s case, to play in the streets. ‘Life-cycle’, is one of his well-known poems that dramatises how the common ‘Aussie bloke’ is influenced by football. It ridicules the fact that football for people has become like a religion. Not speaking of a specific event, this poem describes the general cycle of life of a resident of suburban Australia. From birth people are encouraged to barrack for their teams, and build a life around football. This ‘religion’ is implied on the ‘innocent monsters’ by their parents and surroundings. â€Å"they are wrapped in the club-colours, laid in beribboned cots, having already begun a lifetime’s barracking† Dawe is showing that this will be the purpose of the child’s life. He will grow up living and breathing football, and worshipping it without giving a second thought to the true purpose of life. Using simple structure and simple language, he is able to best convey his morals to the common people that it affects. Gently mocking people with his vibrant expression of the game, with Christian symbolism he compares it to the bible – highlighting that it is, but shouldn’t be regarded of the same importance as Christianity. â€Å"They will forswear the Demons, cling to the saints and behold their team going up the ladder into Heaven† Dawe describes the actual important things in life – marriage, proposals, as just a sidetrack to football, done quickly in between games. Football is the focus of these people’s lives – anything else is merely a diversion to football and should be taken care of quickly so that they can get back to the game. â€Å"- the reckless proposal after the one-point win, the wedding and the honeymoon after the grand-final†¦Ã¢â‚¬  We almost begin to pity these poor people, to whom living their lives has taken second place in importance to football. By using triumphant words such as ‘behold’ ‘passion’ and ’empyrean’ Dawe is showing great sarcasm, as he did with the Christian symbolism. It is like he is asking the readers why football is now as important to the Australians as their religion, and highlighting the fact that it is not supposed to be like this. From this  quote: â€Å"having seen in the six-foot recruit from Eaglehawk their hope of salvation† Bruce Dawe purposefully makes the last word of the poem salvation, this word, generally associated with heaven, and the fact that living a good, Christian life will supposedly lead to our salvation and we will go to heaven, not hell. But it is not from God that these people gain their salvation – they see salvation in the recruit, the strong football player who has come to play for their team and could bri ng the team victory. With that Dawe makes obvious the skewed priorities of these people, and how futile and pointless their existence is. ‘Carn, carn’ they cry, from birth unto death, never knowing anything else, never living. As is evident, Bruce Dawe truly has highlighted the changes in Australian literature. Changes brought about by himself, for he is truly the most influential Australian Poet of this century. By departing from the common norm of Outback mythology to discuss the curve of a man’s life, his passion for sport and the ways in which suburbia has taken over Australian lives, he earns his title of the ‘People’s Poet’. Bruce Dawe has changed the perception of the average Australian worldwide.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Allen Ginsberg Essay

Allen Ginsberg was born into social confusion. He was jewish, gay, and his mother was a communist. Yet outside of this, he was also birthed within a generation that wallowed in chaos, both morally and emotionally. Before them had come the Industrial Revolution, which had begun the murder of â€Å"unity or wholeness† in American society; assembly lines and the breakdown of the workplace into â€Å"distinct and separable parts† had fragmented both the individual and the family. Yet it was the bomb that truly brought the deafening crush on American psycha, minimalizing mechanical wonders and becoming â€Å"the first true â€Å"human† leap in the intelligent understanding of how to control and shape the environment (Henrikson xi). However, to Ginsberg and others, nothing was closer to the anti thesis of the concept of human. Their parents had numbed themselves in order to adapt to the depression and two world wars, forcing them to rationalize the reality of post-war America with apathy and materialism and the empty values of consumerism. Ginsberg refused to believe this was the way of the world and began to write about a new generation who had placed new definitions in place of old notions that no longer applied. He and other writers began a To Allen Ginsberg, the problem was that in society the existence of the individual in isolation was naturally â€Å"more real† than society in general, as â€Å"collective society has an awesome control over people that transcends their individual wills.† (Merril 3) The bomb then was a symbol of this control, essentially bounding people to a future under fear, under which they would strip themselves of their purely human emotions in order to cope with the day. In a world â€Å"where mainstream television told you how to be and Mcarthyism told you what not to be†, Ginsberg believed the individual’s only answer was only looking inwards oneself where they couldn’t reach through the boundaries of externals (Wooley). His age would be on a spiritual quest, but to embark on it they would need a new religion for a new day; modern religion could no longer do as â€Å"good and evil and evil seemed increasingly inadequate in a world of science fiction turned fact† (Ziegler 172). The beat therefore found their religion in Zen Buddhism for one central reason: both sides of good and evil were embraced in â€Å"oneness† for the individual in the meditation where spontaneous flashes of images and sights might come ( Merill 7). In this religion, nothing the human being was impulsed to perform could be wrong as what was right was instinctual and natural. To sustain their humanity in a world gone mad, man had to embrace every emotion he felt as â€Å"exploiting these feelings..[led them] to new levels of truth† (Merill 2). This was the concept of the ying and the yang ; taking on all forces no matter how panicked or manic in coherence with nature. It is in this particular religious ideology and other forms of explicit verbal attacks that characterize Ginsberg’s first acknowledged work, Howl. The content of the book leaves no mystery to why it became so controversial; Ginsberg refuses to deny any schema of thought, most noticeably in the sexuality department. If had he had censored these thoughts, it would have equated to admitting that sexual behavior was unhealthy and unnatural; â€Å"this expression [was] the denial of shame itself† and represented the embrace of his full humanity (Merill 2). But to truly understand the work, one has to imagine themselves in the context of the Six Gallery group of San Francisco poets it was performed before, as its recitation was the first of many performances that would eventually make Ginsberg â€Å"largely responsibible for the movement of the poet from the printed page to the reading halls (Schumaker 635). One must imagine the situation , because it is in the visual that one can get the feeling of it , of the beat of the music, of the beat of the scene, of the swelling chests and rising spirits of â€Å"culture [surviving] despite the presence of an oppressive national political environment† (Schumaker 214). The mood can only be fully set if the voice of Ginsberg is imagined in a somewhat nervous tone, unsure of the response he will garner as he exalts the individual and their inherent potential for goodness outside of the society , saying â€Å"Holy! The soul is holy! The skin is holy! The tongue and cock and hand and asshole holy! Everything is holy!† The â€Å"boos, hisses,[claps]† of the crowd must be invoked upon the introduction the deity of death known as Moloch who is a direct contrast to the pure human existence (Schumaker 217) The nervousness and dread should be present alongside his description: â€Å"Mind [of] pure machinery..whose blood is running money..whose fingers are ten armies..whose ear is a smoking tomb†¦.demonic industries!!..granite cocks!!†¦monstrous bombs!† Moloch is responsible for taking away the instincts of the people that would bring them happiness as he â€Å"bashed open their skulls and ate up their brains and imagination† (Henrikson #). Yet among this distinction of conflict, the presentation of unity and aforementioned â€Å"one-ness† of Zen can be seen in Ginsberg’s portrayal of optimistic youth and its convergence with drugs and various arrays of emotions. Words are infused with the surge of the crowd as there are â€Å"the angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the night†, similar to â€Å"a lost battalion of platonic conversationalists windowsills off Empire State†, and equal to those â€Å"who vanished into nowhere Zen New Jersey†¦ [loning it] through the streets of Idaho seeking visionary Indian angels†. These descriptions exalt the individual who absorbs his uncertainty and doubt and lets it take him anywhere in his hunt for spirituality, in an ethereal surreal showing of human purity described in a gritty confessional style latent with acid tripped tongues between lips and roses on the ends of declarations. They also know no form, as Ginsberg says each is â€Å"a breath†, a flurry of emotion representative the human exhaling against â€Å"conventional society† and its brutal and constraining tendencies as represented through Moloch (Merill 23) Ginsberg essentially takes the amalgamation of drugs, obscenity, explicit sexual imagery and â€Å"hysterical/naked† tendencies of his people and compares them to the oblique characteristics of Moloch and the â€Å"boys sobbing in armies† by his side, massive like red revolution but subverted to a nationalistic mantra, cut like concrete on warm warring flesh wishing they could feel like the battleground if it had a heartbeat with organs cut away at three crosses to celebrate the mythic religion when Jesus the baby birthed in love consideration and carnal compassion was felt by his mother; of the two, the blatant and overt obscenities of the steel machine were much more Frankenstein-esque in offensiveness and horror than the words of the skin, of frantic nude protests laced like bluesy Saturday night agony tunes. To bring America to this reality, Ginsberg uses the painful recognition of â€Å"seeing the best minds of his time ..destroyed by madness†, emblematic of his lover Carl Solomon being institutionalized after suffering from the noxious consumerist tones of nuclear America (Schumaker 208). Taking all of madness in within himself, the poet summarizes his response to all of this with the single line â€Å"FUCK AMERICA AND ATOM BOMB†. It is symbolic of his overall explicit nature in protest, such as his later poetry which boasted of â€Å"cocksucking† in front of French cathedrals and standing out in aristocratic French scenes penning Death to Van Ghohs Ear (Campbell NUMBER). Ginsberg not only felt this came naturally but felt it was as the new necessity. America needed to be shocked in order to be allured to these works or poetry, which went deeper than blatant sexuality; emotion energy sex love mysticism were all on the same plane of internal mental thought. Avant garde display was now the means to the end of snapping sensually the industrialized human machine, over-fixated on temporary addiction to a set of materialistic values that came with carnage caved in at the ends of seventeen year old love letters where the blood started to run in the rain and the words and signatures were incomprehensible but the dog tags shined like Sunday morning breakfasts baked in sweet bread and kisses from Grandpa Cookie. It was this unconventional fragmented style of verse that caused mothers to cry when kids read about freedom and a world not burgeoning with the moral and physical suicides of a thousand possibilities in a nuclear haze. They’d imagine such lines would be a threat to a child, who might become like Dylan acid trip epics with Quinny dosing and skys opening for brief seconds where you can taste and feel â€Å"it†, the thing that makes us â€Å"mad† and â€Å"burn burn burn† with hope at the edge of tongues (Dylan)(Kerouac ). Folk heroes proclaimed that children would become â€Å"beyond their command†, the command of authority figures etched in the physical and moral apathy of the bomb. People were listening. With Howl, Ginsberg set down a formula for later protest songs from the likes of Joan Baez :the obscenities of the state should be followed by the uncontrollable and instinctual emotional reactions of the individual. Such muses from the heart and mind about the existence of the new sort of rain coming down and the boy who disappeared in it could be easily invoked in the depths of the subconscious stalled in meditation. As poet Michael Mcclure said after Howl’s first recitation, â€Å"none of us wanted to go back to the gray, chill, militaristic silence-to the land without poetry-to the spiritual drabness† (Schumaker 215). The apoclypic visions of Ginsberg’s The Fall of America and the America that â€Å"LOOKED FROM ITS GRAVE†were all that lay behind, seen in the influence of Dylan when he too speaks about the end. Blowin in the Wind used lines like â€Å"How many years can a mountain exist before it’s washed to the sea† while â€Å"The times are a changin'† versed conclusions like â€Å"Admit that the waters around you have grown and accepit it that soon you’ll be drenched to the bone.† Ginsberg and the beat were aware of this â€Å"point of no return†, a mad run from the end that could come at any time (Schumaker 215) They were asking for the desperation, for the land in front of the setting sun was the only direction they needed to go However, the land had heavy industry walls of red white and blue to block the spread of this so called disease of internal and moral freedom. These obstacles had mouths running with blood crossed with eyes of pristine clandestine censorship to protect the impressionable youth of the next generation from being swallowed by hysterics, as it needed their limbs to fight the great world wars in the bowels of death and destruction that reigned with every passing sunset in the East and in the West. This hypocrisy was essentially what brought Ginsberg into full fledged politics, while others like Kerouac drew the line at the beat representing only â€Å"self sufficiency†Ã¢â‚¬  and â€Å"freedom from moral interference† (Schumaker 180). Much of this can be due to the inherent political struggles he found in getting his work into the public sphere. When Howl was about to be released for the second time, â€Å"they arrested a counter assistant at City lights for peddling literature likely to corrupt juveniles, and also arrested Ferlinghetti for publishing it.† (Campbell193). Ginsberg therefore was one of the first writers to be constantly backed by the ACLU in â€Å"open showdowns against what was and was not obscene†, not only during Howl but later in the group publication of the drugged up Big Table # 1 (Schumaker 255 , 317). To Ginsberg, this might have been a sign of the government trying to quell the influence of writing that would inflame the masses, similar to the repression of the ideas of the Burgeois revolution through strong state centers in the aristocratic France of the 19th century. But what was more was that the prophetic frenetic man saw lunacy in the fact that the artist was releasing pure human instincts in his musing, feelings which although pure, had to be recited in bland grave like versions such as â€Å"the censored is holy!† (Schumaker 254). His work Kaddish, a trying poem about the death of his mother, was an explanation of this affront . â€Å"Listening to Ray Charles blues shout blind on the phonograph† , Ginsberg praises the ability of Charles to withstand â€Å"uncontrollable agony† by keeping â€Å"within the limits of structured rhthm†. Replacing â€Å"censored† with â€Å"skin† in Howl severely hampered the rhthm of the piece, as missing one part of a language of heartbeats and paranoia encased in syllables was like losing a leg in the moral internal marathon; such a gaping wound could lead to a loss of the entire feeling of the poem. Without the unity, the â€Å"one-ness†, the recited work could not produce the same flash of imagery and light that had occurred, similar to Kerouac’s sight of a woman that reminds him of his mother; â€Å"frozen with ecstasy on the sidewalk..a complete step across chronological time into timeless shadows† (Kerouac 172). These â€Å"estatic moments† were what made the spiritual search worthwhile and kids of the mystical mad crazed road hoped that when their moment came, all of these previous moments of light would converge. POPULUSIST ADD HERE Now forceably emersed in the political scene, Ginsberg delved further into politics with his war against the byproducts of age of hate that could not be vanquished with napalm. Particular awareness should be given to his use of blatant contrast to evoke irrepressible feeling. In â€Å"Plutonian Ode†, he draws a â€Å"parallel between the mythological Pluto and the destructive power of the element that received it’s name from the God.† (Schumaker 629). Lines such as â€Å"I dare your Reality..I turn the wheel of Mind on your three hundred tons.. My oratory advances on your vaulted mystery† are the polar anti-thesies of the beauty of the â€Å"sparrows waked whistling through marine Street’s summer green leafed trees.† Protesting such atrocities of nature by nature by meditating on train tracks bound to deliver nuclear material, the recitation of Plutonium Ode would be needed inas his defense, adding parts to it spontaneously like â€Å"breathing silent Prisoners, witnesses, Police- the stenographer yawns into her palms† Sunflower Sutra is very much the same, written he was traveling with Kerouac and viewed a sunflower which was being afflicted with the waste that came as trains passed, its wheels unaware of the â€Å"indignity† it offered the poor flower (Schumaker 632). The subsequent contrast he painted was versed in the lines â€Å"we’re not our skin of grime, we’re not a dread black dusty imageless locomotive, we’re all beautiful golden sunflowers.† In this description, Ginsberg felt like he was taking up the â€Å"whitemanesque celebration† of becoming America through telling a lucid moment which could apply to a majority of Americans. Dylan picked this up better than anyone, evident in his verses describing â€Å"a young child beside a dead pony† and the†white man who walked a black dog† in â€Å"The Times..† Even keener contrast appears when he muses â€Å"I change my no pets allowed sign to a home sweet home sign and wonder why I haven’t any friends† (Dylan) This social conscious and use of contrast gave the poet singer the â€Å"whitmanesque†¦I am America† perspective where he could speak for men who weren’t even of his own color. â€Å"Hurricaneâ €  was the epitome of this, Sunflower Sutra Voice represents the spirits, if not actual experiences, of his readers. â€Å"It occurs to me I am America† 219 even though un American â€Å"whitmanesque celebration of self â€Å" â€Å"gone to seed and suffering the indignity of the discarded refuse† â€Å"they came upon an old, battered sunflower, grimy from the passing trains we’re not our skin of grime, we’re not a dread bleak dusty imageless locomotive, we’re all beautiful golden sunflowers Ginsberg had given the ideology of protest in Howl with natural offense against the grisly gashed abuses of the state covered in gauze and dead presidents. He had experienced the machinations of the war nation as nymphetic Greek realities which varied in degrees of â€Å"apocalyptic reckoning† undergone in hazy highs under hallowed homages hallucinating of American populistic deities of Whitman-esque form invoked under the beauty of the common land . However, it was Jack Kerouac and â€Å"On The Road† who exposed suburban insanity on the edge of skinless pointless existences and the consequent worshipping of the road that took one away from those invisible developments and commuter fathers. It follows the base set by Ginsberg, as its focal character Sal Paradise set off through America as he had this â€Å"feeling that everything was dead.† (Kerouac 2) In addition, Zen and its absorption of uncertainty and an array of unexplainable feelings appear throughout the book. But like Ginsberg, Kerouac implies that these adjectives can only be positive. The â€Å"insanity† that comes from living on the road is a â€Å"saving prescence†, and the more Sal embraces it with his road mate Dean Moriarity the more the â€Å"spirit [is uplifited] with its access to the wonderment and wildness of life† (Henrikson 176). In contrast, a return to Times Square reveals a people that are â€Å"grabbing, taking,giving,sighting,dying†, reflective of the futility of American behavior during the American time, as the heart was traded over in exchange for monotonous complacency with steel hands and sultry scents of capitalism’s carnival. To react to such a scene of such pre-planned monotony, Kerouac wrote in a style known as spontaneous prose which entailed descriptions of long line. It was based on images that were observed and the subsequent recording of sounds and emotions related to that moment, all unleashed in the spirit of a honest confessional that acknowledged every thought without censor, in the vein of Ginsberg and Howl. A perfect example is seen in Dylan’s novel Tarantula, in the lines â€Å"jack of spades – vivaldi of the coin laundry – wearing a hipster’s dictionary† and â€Å"it is 5:31-the rain sounds like a pencil sharpener (Dylan).Each line epitomized the crazed memory of the sounds of be-bop and jazz like a man â€Å"blowing a phrase on his saxophone till he runs out of breath , and would be â€Å"without consciousness†, flowing with images until â€Å"final revelation of exhaustion brought an end† (Merill 45). The â€Å"energy† that is given off by each â€Å"soul-seeking line therefore seems like enough â€Å"to hold back the world’s onrushing moral and human decay (Henrikson 176). Alliteration was a staple of Kerouac, and many credit him with its creation and see it reflected in Dylan’s â€Å"A Hard Rain’s A-Gonan Fall†, although the instinct to put words together like â€Å"a black branch with blood† ,†seven sad forests† and a â€Å"dozen dead oceans† seems like a natural inherent impulse in litearature. ( However, like the nature of the verse, sustaining such a crazed personally analytical lifestyle requires the dedication to constant moving, embodied in the way Kerouac would shout â€Å"Go!† when Allen would read his poetry (Schumaker 215). With pauses in life or writing, there would be a pause in the search for spirituality of â€Å"it†, or as Dean says, the journey to the â€Å"magic land at the end of the road† (Kerouac NUMBER). This is all reflected in the last chapters at the end of the road in Mexico revealing the hauting images of â€Å"shawled Indians watching us from under hatbrims and rebozos† who â€Å"didn’t know that a bomb had come that could crack all our bridges† (Kerouac number The road had come to an end for now and therefore the reality of life was in that image stark naked Indian old mystic land, rooted in the emptiness of man’s new capabilities over the days where mystics howled at the skies dancing with red faced gods Fundamental Paradox of Buddhsm All experience is essentially emptiness; that purity and absence are one. (Foster 62). To collaborate on this political and literary endeavor, the icon of Bob Dylan entered Ginsberg’s life, a man who had already been heavily influenced by the Beat. The folk hero had the world revealed to him during Howl, but this latent influence was only spawned to action when Dylan first read Kerouac’s â€Å"Mexico City Blues.† The long line outpouring of feeling based on flashing images and spontaneous events caused Dylan to drop out of school as â€Å"it was the first poetry that really spoke to [him]† in a natural purely Earthly sense. CITATION The musician saw this same spontaneity in Ginsberg when he viewed his improvisational poetry, which was like â€Å"working without a net† and releasing the crazed random feelings he felt from the public and the atmosphere in words (Schumaker 555) . Dylan was enthralled by the process, one that he had obviously attempted in order â€Å"to assume a rough-edged, made up on the spot feeling on his albums.† (Schumaker 555) the next months Eventually, beat politics came to the same point which had threatened Aunt Molly Jackson and the coal miners; un-American ideas were associated with red. Beatnik was a play of words off of the disloyal notion of the Russian†Sputnik†, while the beat generation film by MGM boasted of a â€Å"rapist on the run† for a main character (Schumaker 6. Even worse was a ploy off of was a play Being â€Å"out there† and unloyal to America, Beatnik was a ploy off of the Russian wonder â€Å"Sputnik†. Even worse was the â€Å"false consciousness of hip† which plagued Kerouac the more he heard words like â€Å"crazy† and â€Å"wigged† in scenes as if people thought the repetition of them could bring out the â€Å"burning burning burning† (Campbell 246). Vexner said â€Å"the culture of dissent was a hot commodity†, as if the Beat were selling the idea of sex and anarchy to a world that was starving for it. CITATION Like Mike Seeger and the Lost City Ramblers, Kerouac and the beat needed to re-examine their roots and tried to analyze what and who it meant to be â€Å"beat†, ignoring all mutated concepts of the beatnik and its subverted image. However, Kerouac one day â€Å"hated them† colllectively, but switched his position come next morn, where he was confessing he â€Å"loved them† only to come to the conclusion when asked again that â€Å"he was becoming paranoid† (Campbell 250). Yet in this critique of themselves the Beat forgot to analyze a few elements that had made their image easy to exploit. The first is that when they were called â€Å"to moan for man†, few realized the energy it took to keep up such a lifestyle. The fact that they pose no answers to an incalcitrent society outside of this bewailing of emptiness and internal discovery made their journey a disjointed and dismembered one; the beat’s endless internal revolution during crazed trips in On the Road only lead back to conformist society with the realization of the death of America in the haunting mystic Indian scene Dean and Sal experience. circular. All of the hope of the convergence of all of those aforementioned estatic moment where everything rushed forward was cut off slashed at the knees like Vietnam massacres upon the lack of the realization of â€Å"it†. Depending again on these personal distortions to lead them back to estatic moments, the Beat almost relied too much on the self. Their feeling that their prose was a superior form of nature really did spark a level of narcissim that reflected poorly. Kerouac’s mantra became â€Å"you’re always genious†, proclaiming lofty phrases such as â€Å"Once God moves the hand, to move back and revise is a sin† (Schumaker 261). What he had forgotten was that PURITY YADDA, and that eventually the emphasis on him just swallowed the man in the desperation for drink in Satori and his search for â€Å"a relative (literally any relative)† demonstrated the demise of the man that constantly depended on the hysterics of the situation (Merill 77). Ginsberg on the other hand had tendencies to create poetry where everything would be â€Å"contained in the vertical figure I† which would lead to statements such as â€Å"I want to be known as the most brilliant man in America.† 261, 262 The fragmented style of poetry that â€Å"bordered on apocalyptic knowledge† was just too much for some, even too much for Ginsberg himself who was â€Å"tired of being Allen Ginsberg† (Campbell 192). Many who could not connect with this age or this feeling wondered what gave these men the right to proclaim themselves as â€Å"phrophets† or â€Å"holy maniacs† when all they did was speak in a version of English that they thought was superior in its absence of the comma. Few realized that the backlash against grammar was due to the fact that the period destroyed the delicate rhythm of works like Kaddish , which would cause one to spiral back to the boundless agony that the perfect balance of poetry embraced. Like Dylan says , some were like â€Å"D.A.R woman [who] flies off the handle. looks at jack. says â€Å"in some places you’d be arrested for obscenity† she doesn†t een hear the band..she falls down a sidewalk crack† (Dylan ) If one couldn’t embrace the beat of the scene, the crazy wigged out mantra which dictated the path of the man, then they’d never know. They’d point out the beards and the bodies spread across ma ttresses on each other and the heroin needles and the staircase of marijuana smoke that supposedly led these gloats to â€Å"higher realization.† In Dylan’s movie Renaldo and Clara, Ginsberg is representative of the father and Dylan the son. It is a relationship of giving and taking between the folk hero and the beat, a representation of what Ginsberg and Kerouac did for Americana. brought Dylan took in the outpouring of words and feeling and exposure of â€Å"the full heart† that caused him to quit school in a spontaneous moment. He acquired Kerouac’s class consciousness GO BACK and the love for the capture of â€Å"gawky awkward beauty of the individual eccentric citizen† like Dean Moriarity in words and in American travels, reflected in words such as the â€Å"the motorcycle black Madonna two-wheeled gypsy queen and her silver studded phantom lover† he writes about. The protest inherent in Howl is taken into his soul, alongside the absorbtion and reflection of various unexplainable feelings in an unexplainable time. However, he essentially adds an extension to the beat movement, removing t he aspects of the beat that confused many parts of society who were still too numbed to come to grips with these bearded men. Songs like Blowin in the Wind took Ginsberg’s art of contrast and brought it full circle; these protest songs leaned more towards the finding of the ultimate answer. Other pieces like Hurricane evoke images from NAME DO THIS SHIT TOMORROW. However, Dylan sounds more like every man in Hurricane , like the every voice of Peter Paul and Mary, because of his humbleness and reluctance to put himself above the common man, something the beat had trouble doing feeling they had divine potential to change the face of thinking in itself. In every sense Dylan is the beat, from his wild descriptions of jazz and hitch hiking in his novel Tarantula to his manic performances thriving off of the emotions of the environment to his celebration of drugs sex and wild wanderings of youth. The spot where Dylan and Kerouac left off, frenzied and genius and incomprehensible to those who could not get â€Å"it†, was the place Dylan took up. The spoken word long line tradition and ithat Ginsberg could only cross halfway across the gap was bridged by Dylan, with memories of Kerouac’s inspiring prose driving him. The Zen of it all , of all the nuclear protest, all the civil liberty, all the cries for a sympathetic America become one with the combination of these three. Their memory is like a burning mystic sign that has no form, only emotion, bright enough to reinvigprate the young masses in every generation to the crazed motion and the crazed search and the frenetic fraticness of the freedom of sensuality with the keenness and sharpness of political reality like a goddamn shard that cuts us at the arm just to prove we still bleed . As long as it burns, the land will breath even under the lack of life in the H-bomb oxygen starved skinny era. As long as it burns, the hills will rise and fall with the pure schitzophrenic sanity of the wind, an echo that just whispers search on the end of our hope stricken ears against the fear ridden nuclear wet dreams of bodies sexed and eyes hallucinating vexed and the fallout of a demoralized Patriot and its Acts of jingoistic nuclear tendencies. When Dylan said Ginsberg needed to get out on the open road of the tour â€Å"to wake up America†, he meant that he wanted his spirit to ride through the skeletal suburbs warning the kids of the inhumanity and callousness stalking the land. I hear his voice and and see their protest so well, like â€Å"Blood writ in Blood†, haunting my daytime dreams with hazy invocations of what we truly can be. Knowing that there is a generation who also feels the same burning in the center of the heart gives me strands of hope that somehow we can overcome the same inhumanity in this age of faceless terrorism that shows no distinction between Am erica and the West. With a tear off the edge of the holy cheek, emblematic of the disunity of our feelings, these men push through our insides to assure us these expressions are what will take us whole. POPULUSIST EDGE OF FOLK TATPRETTY FLOWER POETRY Works Cited Campbell, James. This Is The Beat Generation London : Secker and Warburg, 1999. Henrikson, Margot A. Dr. Strangelove’s America Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1997. Merill, Thomas F. Allen Ginsberg Boston : Twayne Publishers, 1998. Schumaker, Michael. Dharma Lion New York : St. Martin’s Press, 1992. All enamoured with some aspects of the drug culture , labeled as family haters and communist hippies and , the movement began to waver at the end parallel with a lot of the demise of rock stars when coming under controversy and assault by mainstream America. Kerouac became a drunk high off his own lines and Ginsberg moved onto relatively less successful social scenes in rock and roll and the clash.